Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You're Not Paranoid If They're Really Out To Get You

OK, this is all-too-familiar.  I just got notice from YouTube that my Sexy Bondage Restraints Introduction video was flagged for violating community standards and was removed.  The video consists of 90% product shots, yes with bondage, but no tits or genitals.  Yes, a few G-strings and so mostly bare asses, but there's other content with similar reveals that are going strong.  I posted the video on Oct 24, and in three months had gone to over 11,000 views, and it was ramping up.  Here's a low-res version:
Not exactly objectionable porn is it . . . ?  Mild if you ask me.  Why this is so disconcerting, is that in November, Facebook blocked my Sexy Bondage Restraints business page, which, in the three months *it* was up, had garnered 650 likes, and was seeing upwards of 2500 views a month.  No warning, no identifying what was objectionable, just bam!, it was gone.  Again, I was careful to avoid posting anything with bare breasts or exposed genitals., and these were also predominantly product shots from manufacturers.  In fact, I have to avoid a lot of products because our e-commerce website host disallows anything that resembles human reproductive organs, so not penis-look dildos, can't show nipple clips being used, you get the picture.  So I just don't get why both Facebook and YouTube took me down!  Unless . . .

Bianca said after the Facebook ban that it was our competition, but I thought that was too paranoid.  Now . . I'm not so sure.  We're getting popular on the internet, facing down the Goliaths of the industry with our little site.  And the way things are . . well *were* . . going, we stand to start taking some market share away from the bigs.  So could it be, they're defending "their" turf?  It really looks that way. 

Well, I've reinstated the Facebook page, added a new bondage lingerie video to YouTube, and will certainly keep at it, because this all tells me that I'm on the right track.  Sexy Bondage Restraints is becoming a force to be reckoned with . . . !

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Shoemaker's Children


It's an old saying, "the shoemaker's children have no shoes", like, you know, the guy who sells office supplies can never find a stapler.  Well tonight it became apparent that I have GOT to get us some new restraints...!!  We need thigh-to-wrist cuffs, one of those underbed systems, and a pair of soft wrist cuffs for starters!  And a bigger toy cabinet. It's my birthday soon, so let's hope sales at the webstore take off, so I can afford some new shoes!

A while back, I designed a leather thigh-wrist restraint, and made them from a long wide dress leather strip, with a long slit in the middle, so you could wrap one around each thigh, thread one end though the slot, cross the straps, and then come back the other way and tie it around her wrist, like an "X".  But this version just doesn't work easily or fast enough, and uh, did not achieve it's maximum pleasure inducing potential, which gave us little setback tonight!  I still think it's a good idea, so it's back to the drawing board . . . but that was a drag.

Fortunately, the Petite L'amour is working fine, and in fact we developed a new wrinkle. This is a great little toy.  While the restraints were still holding, we found a very intense stroke.  With the vibe directly on Bianca's clit, I squeezed her labia together over top of the vibrating ball, creating a (ummm...) obviously delicious pressure, which got her 98% of the way there, until I stopped squeezing, reached up, and teased/squeezed her nipple instead, with the vibrator of course still going strong, and that touch put her over the top spinning!  Um, let me just say, from there, it was a wild ride!  We're both sleeping good tonight.